Hey Mama,

Are you struggling in your marriage?

Do you feel stuck in an unhappy marriage and don’t know what to do? Spending your days ruminating on what is wrong in the marriage and how you can fix it? Or are you at the point where you are trying to figure out how you will end the relationship and what that would look like for you and your kids.

Stay or go, both choices suck right!

As a life coach, I will guide you towards reclaiming your happiness, revitalizing your relationship with your body, and reconnecting with your intuition so you can get clear in your direction.

Transitioning from years together after having kids, to revitalizing intimacy in an unfulfilling marriage might seem daunting or impossible.  That’s why I’m here to guide you through this journey.

True intimacy begins within ourselves, in our hearts and bodies. By opening ourselves to receive what we long for, we set the stage for deeper connection with our partners.

In my coaching transformation program, I’ll guide you away from overanalysis and into the profound wisdom of your body and heart.

Let’s journey together toward the intimacy you desire. Book a free consultation with me today!

Elated Woman Life Coach

Working with me, you will experience a personal transformation and clarity in your heart, no longer feeling stuck in marital discord.

Our time together will be spent getting you into the present moment with your body. Dropping out of your logical mind and into your heart-mind and womb-power is where you need to be to move toward what you desire.

This work is going to either reignite passion and intimacy in your marriage, helping you and your partner build a more fulfilling relationship. Or support you in the empowered decision toward conscious uncoupling.

Mama, I see you. You are in an important crossroads in life right now. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back from living a fulfilling life. Reach out today and let’s embark on a transformative journey toward joy, connection, and empowerment.

Women's life coach and son

My name is Jocelyn Diles

I specialize in guiding mamas who are in a troubled marriage towards deeper intimacy, enhanced self-confidence, and a life filled with joy and courage.

In my coaching program, you’ll learn the art of being fully present in moments of true intimacy, where every touch, kiss, gaze, and embrace becomes a sacred experience.

Intimacy is a practice of cultivating a deep connection with your heart and the sensations of your body in every moment, including conflict. So, together we’ll explore techniques to connect with your breath as a guide, allowing you to immerse yourself in the exquisite pleasures of your senses.

Above all, you’ll learn how to truly surrender to the moment, to breathe through discomfort and fully receive. To listen to your burning heart yearning for authenticity in this life.

So, beautiful caterpillar, are you ready to embark on the journey of becoming a butterfly? Don’t hesitate to contact me today to begin your transformation towards a life of profound love, connection, and fulfillment.

Client Love

Even from my very first session with Jocelyn, I had a huge ‘Aha- moment’ that has continued to bring me insight and healing. Jocelyn's ability to guide me through my emotional, physical, and creative landscape and to bring awareness to how each part of myself weaves together was deeply activating and meaningful! I’m still continuing to source creative inspiration and greater capacity to follow through on my inspirations from Jocelyns' offerings. I recommend her to anyone seeking greater self-awareness, self-healing, and creative authenticity in their lives!


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