Hey Mama,

Have you lost the desire for your husband, wondering if you will ever have passion in your life? Let’s embark on a transformative journey together.

feminine intimacy

As a life coach, I draw from personal experience, having risen from rock bottom to cultivate unshakable self-love, courage, and intimacy. Guided by the wisdom of my breath and body, I’ve shed my self-restraints and found ultimate freedom.

Similarly, I’ll empower you to explore your body deeply, releasing harmful patterns and conditioning. Together, we’ll uncover closed-off parts and awaken them to their fullest expression. Experience newfound confidence, trust, and intimacy with your body and life.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Let’s connect.

mother and son

My Story

I help mamas make one of the biggest decisions in their life because I have had to learn how to change my own course from unhealthy, harmful patterns to deeper self love and joy. My story involves using and abusing drugs to cope with depression, feeling abandoned, rejected from the world, and questioning my existence. These patterns of belief drew me into either hiding from the world or stumbling into harmful relationships that left me feeling worthless, manipulated, and undervalued. Making the decision to leave often led me through multiple break-ups and reconnections with the same men. 

As a pisces, I was known for being wishy-washy and indecisive for many years. I would make a decision, then change my mind soon after. I never trusted myself to make the right decision without checking with someone I trusted. But as my healing journey from numbing to feeling progressed, I began to trust myself. I learned that when I felt empowered, stayed true to my boundaries, and was connected to my heart, there was never a decision to make. The questions were answered on their own, and my mind no longer held the strain of thinking and overanalyzing. My heart and body made these decisions for me with ease and peace.

I see so many mamas suffering in unhappy relationships, lost about what to do with their lives. They don’t want to break up the family, but they also don’t know how they could continue to live the same way and ever experience the joy, passion, and love that they desire and deserve. They live in conflict within themselves every day as mothers. This is why I do this work. My coaching program helps these mamas reconnect with their magic and higher guidance to show them their unique path back to joy and the deepest love.

My professional & life experience:

  • Massage Therapist for 10 years, specializing in pain and injury treatment & stress relief
  • Bachelor in Psychology with a minor in Sociology at CU Boulder
  • 20 years of yoga training
  • Meditation practitioner for 18 years
  • Certified Life Coach
  • Authentic Relating Leadership Training 
  • Workshops in Yogic Intimacy & feminine embodiment with David Deida, Nina Lombardo, and Lisa Page
  • Online Masterclass in the Dynamic Art of Interactive, Guided Meditation with Jack Kornfield
  • Accelerated Evolution Coaching recipient
  • Self-study, a life-long commitment to curiosity, humility, surrender, trust, and practices in unconditional love, understanding, and embodiment
  • Home-birthed my son 

Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube to get to know me and receive regular updates on practices and offerings.