As I continue in this human experience I witness my mind in a constant flow of evolution. I face fears and courageously move through life honestly and humbly, bringing me to learn and grow. Please join me in reading more of my thoughts and discoveries by visiting my...
How to Yoni Steam
To yoni steam involves sitting on a stool or chair over a pot of steaming herbs. A ritual that has been practiced in Africa, Asia, and Central America for centuries. Why should I yoni steam? My yoni steam practice is an incredible tool for connecting to my feminine...
Breast Massage – The Why and How
Why is Breast Massage Important Our breasts are the doorway to our hearts. They are where we open in confidence or cave in when stressed, worried, or afraid. Called the Bells of Love by the Ancient Taoists, this is where our love shines through. So offering ourselves...
Shadow Work – 5 Benefits
The shadow is the side of ourselves that we don’t show to the world, or even ourselves. Most likely, we aren’t even aware that we have a shadow. It’s the parts of ourselves that we hate to see whether it be anger or rage, jealousy or envy, greed, selfishness, sexual desires, desire for power; it’s whatever we perceive to be inferior, wrong, immoral, or unacceptable.
Divine Feminine Embodiment
Working with the divine feminine is inviting all parts of ourselves to rise to the surface to be seen, felt, and to contribute. This requires us to slow down from our masculine driven pace and get in touch with our bodies.